Experimenting and Living

2 min readJan 2, 2021

How important do you think things are? Are they important because of sentimental value or monetary value? How willing are we to let go of the things? How willing are we to let go of the people who anchor us?

I started reading a new book today (New year, new me, and hence a new book :P). “Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life” is a book that talks about life free of constraints. It is a journey toward freedom. Freedom from fear, freedom from worry, freedom from overwhelming, freedom from guilt, freedom from depression, and freedom from enslavement. The line that made me lose my mind was, “minimalism is about finding what is essential to you”.

After my today’s read, I decided to practice the theories given in the book. They stated about finding the anchors of our life. So, I started jotting down the points that I could call anchors. I was surprised by the number of things I wrote (sadly the list is continuing :P), and interestingly I could see that my favorite pastime is to waste my time.

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

After putting the book down for today, I wondered if I could really be a minimalist. Minimalism is about eliminating excess while learning to maintain peace within. The essence of minimalism lies in taking happiness out of things.

I am a person who drools over Louboutin and Hermes. So the path of minimalism for me is a road full of rivers with crocodiles in it. From the very beginning, I had this perception that I am gonna spend a lot once I start earning, and now that I am earning, I am looking for ways for a minimalistic lifestyle. This made me understand myself a lot more. I felt my need to run for things that seem out of focus to me. I felt the need to be consistently busy. I am curious to understand the purposeful life.

Life is too short to be free. Enjoying the small moments, sunrises, sunsets, pets, flowers, poetry, stories, and love make life beautiful. I realize how content I feel while I am around the things I love (precisely books, ink, bookmarks, and sunshine).

So I have decided to keep going along the path to minimalism without worrying about the end-results. I am gonna have an experience worth my time. If I succeed, I will have many trips without too much baggage, and if I fail, I will know the depth of my love for luxury (XD!).

I will keep posting my experience to keep track of my activities (maybe to inspire a few of you who read my experiences). Life must be full of surprises, experiences, and definitely a lot many experiments.

So let’s follow the beat!





A person who loves to live with the sun and sleep under stars.