The Beginnings...

2 min readDec 31, 2020


There is still a day left for 2021 to begin, and like most people, I can’t wait to enter 2021.

But as the time comes nearer, I wonder if I really feel so. I honestly didn’t hate 2020 a lot. It had its share of bad days (more than fair share XD), but I also enjoyed so many good things that have happened.

On December 31st, 2019, I took the resolution of writing in my diary EVERY DAY(even if it’s one line and that my friend, is hope). Today, on December 31st, 2020, I can happily say that I have kept my resolution. To be honest, this has made me really steady in life. I didn’t realize it every day, but now that I look back at the beginning, I feel so proud. I have appreciated so many things unknowingly which I otherwise, would have completely ignored.

I have been living with my parents for more than 9 months now (thanks to Work From Home!), and cherished so many moments that I have been missing for so many years (10 years, to be precise!).

I got engaged to my boyfriend (WOW right!! and again, thanks to lockdown!). We have shared so many happy and difficult moments that now I am more than happy to call him the love of my life.

But, it is now that I have realized how important each one of those moments is when I scroll through the pages of my diary. There are so many things that I have been thankful for. But the one thing that tops my list is my ability to keep going. Now when I look back at the year, I feel grateful for having learned so many new things (like an internship along with the job, a job as a content creator, a streak of 421 days on Duolingo, meditated daily, switched job as per my interest, and established myself as a responsible employee).

There really is so much!

Now, this took me to today, i.e., December 31, 2020. Now I have decided to share one good thought here, every day (I really feel like I can do this, LOL!!!!!).

Photo by Minna Autio on Unsplash

P.S. I love the rising sun and sunshine (I was also called jadoo XD). Hence I cannot mark my beginning without this beginning.

So, here is to new beginnings!

All my love for this new year. 2020 has made me responsible, and I hope 2021 makes me patient.





A person who loves to live with the sun and sleep under stars.